IDS 2935 – What Can Social Science Tell Us About Happiness and Living a Happier Life?

College Credit: 3

Students learn best when they're happy.

Use the following Happiness Application Guide to submit your application.

This course offered through UF Dual Enrollment supports Broward County Public Schools' social-emotional and mindfulness initiatives and their aim to teach students how to find a sense of purpose, take care of their physical and emotional wellbeing, grow from failure and hardship, and nurture healthy relationships.

The requirements to enroll in the course are an unweighted GPA of 3.0 and guidance counselor approval. No test scores are required to register.

Course Instructor: Michael Weigold
Michael Weigold, Ph.D.
Meet Your Instructor

About The Course

Happiness is an important goal in most people’s lives. However, while many Americans are richer, healthier, and freer than at any time in history, evidence suggests we are less happy. Why are Americans less happy, and what can they (and you) do to live a happier, more fulfilling life?

Social scientists from many disciplines have examined the thinking styles, goals and habits that do and do not predict long-term happiness. This course draws on findings from the social sciences to learn about these practices. It also encourages you to add one to your life to enhance your well-being. Americans are becoming less happy, and there’s research to prove it.

Course Goals

The course has three broad and mutually reinforcing goals:

  • Describe and explain findings about what makes people happy.
  • Discuss the methods of research used to uncover these findings so that students can critically evaluate information related to happiness.
  • Afford you the experience of beginning a habit or practice that enhances well-being.

Satisfied High School Graduation Requirement Subject: Elective
High School Credit: 0.5