Resources for Students and Parents

UF General Education Requirements

Colleges and universities require students to complete general education courses that allow students to explore a variety of subject areas. Here is a link to UF’s general education requirements. Please be aware that different majors have different general education courses. This would be a good topic to discuss with your adviser during your advising session!

Choosing A Major

Although you are not required to choose a major for the ODE program, it is never too early to start exploring your options! Use this link to see the diverse majors offered at UF. Exploring these majors should allow you to reflect on your skills and interests and may even introduce you to a major you hadn’t previously considered.

Helpful Resources

Use the Advanced Placement Course Credit worksheet below if you have completed previous Advanced Placement classes (IB, AICE, AP, etc) and see which courses you already have college credit for

CHOMP is a do-it-yourself service provided by UF’s Career Resource Center that helps students learn about various majors and careers.

Check out the links below for helpful tips on stress and wellness!

Need Tutoring? Check out UF’s Tutoring Resources

Attending public school in Alachua County and interested in dual enrollment at UF? Click below!

Tips for Parents/Guardians

Encourage your student to take charge of applying for the program and choosing and registering for classes. There are people to help with this, including his or her high school guidance counselor and academic advisor, but ultimately participation in our program should be the student’s choice. This will help the student be successful in their courses and invested in the process. Contact your student’s advisor if necessary, but please do not contact faculty.

Your student will receive a syllabus with the outline of and expectations for each course. Review the syllabus with the student.

Support and encourage your student to be an independent learner. Help your student schedule time for their classes. Each class should require 7-10 hours of time. Students will be most successful if they spread their studying and assignments out instead of cramming for an exam the day before. You can help by providing a stress-free environment for learning.

Understand the difference between your student’s academic choices. AP, IB, AICE, and dual enrollment at a state college are all different than UF Dual Enrollment. Each choice has unique strengths.

Do not sign in using your student’s GatorLink username and password. This is against University policy. Encourage your student to use it, however, as the University will contact the student through this portal.

For students attending public school in Alachua County, visit our Alachua County page for more information and requisite forms.

Characteristics of Successful Online Learners

  • Reading and writing proficiency
  • Independent
  • Motivated
  • Self-directed
  • Self-confident
  • Good time management skills
  • Personally responsible for learning

High School Information

It is important that when you apply to the UF Dual Enrollment program that your high school guidance counselor and DE adviser are both well informed of your learning goals and educational plan.